Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Can't believe that January is almost over....

Wow! I feel like I blinked and January is over! We did SOOOOOO many things in the classroom this month and I tried to keep up with pictures! I am also working on creating my own TpT store!
I am back in classes this semester and I am already tired! That can't be a good sign!
All week we have been working on verbs this week. To help them identify verbs in Spanish, I found this great resource from a speech/language website.  The students are familiar with the basic sentence structure of "El nino/La nina puede" and then we worked on what a verb was and created a circle map of verbs.  I purchased the pictures below from TpT-Fran Lafferty-and the students then played "Charades" to act out different verbs! They are having fun learning about verbs!
Anyway, here are some great things that we did this month!  

Our "Verbos" circle map

Here is our groundhog puppet we are making in the art center this week! We can't wait to see what happens February 2nd! 

 More fun with verbs!

Last week was digraphs! They sorted pictures.

Oh my goodness! Did they love this activity!!!!! I found the "Angry Birds" activity on TpT/Pinterest and translated it into Spanish! The kids had a BLAST writing about their birds! We first talked about actions or verbs that they see in the game. We then sorted them as "Verbos Enojados/Angry Verbs" and "Verbos que no son enojados/Not Angry Verbs".  The students then had to pick 3 verbs. First they finished 2 sentences and then they had to write their own! They were so excited!

I differentiated the work for a few of my students.  A few of them still are having a lot of trouble with it so they just had to pick 3 verbs to write down.

Our list!

So cute!

My bulletin board display-we don't have bulletin boards so I create sections in the hallway to display the work

Angry Birds!

Love it!

Next week is Magic E!!! I have a million activities planned!! Don't worry, I will include pictures for you!
Have a great week everyone!!!!!

Alyson Hennessy

Friday, January 18, 2013

My TpT addiction and other stuff!

Well, I guess the first step is admitting you have a problem---I am addicted to Teachers Pay Teachers.  They now have an app for the iPhone! So dangerous! I have found an abundance of freebies to use in the classroom in both English and Spanish.
I purchased this great Arctic Animal unit from TpT-here is a link to her blog-http://jrosace.blogspot.com/.  It has AMAZING Arctic Animal worksheets and activities.  Right now, the students are working on their non-fiction animal writing books! They should hopefully be finished by Wednesday and I will post the final products.
Here are some other fun things we have done so far this month!
From Learning with Mrs. Leeby

 Here is a copy of our Center Rules

 Our New Year's Resolutions


 Sorting /sh/-from Queen of the 1st Grade Jungle (Freebie from TpT)

Our MLK Graphic Organizer-What we learned after watching the MLK video on Brainpopjr and also reading books about MLK. 

Happy Teaching!

Alyson Hennessy